All Saints’ Episcopal Church We welcome, serve and love all unconditionally through Jesus Christ THIS WEEK AT ALL SAINTS: From the Rector: “Jennifer’s Playground” was a gift to All Saints’. The playground served us well for many years, but over those years it has gone into disrepair. The playground equipment could no longer be used safely. We also had issues with water, collecting from three roof lines into the area and remaining wet due to poor drainage. Additionally, we recognized a need for improved handicap access from the church to the parish hall. Presently, the handicap access to the church has not made it easy for people to go between the church and the parish hall. For these reasons, we need to make improvement to our grounds in this area. We are beginning to work to enhance our courtyard. The old fencing has been removed. New gutters have been installed and new drain lines have been run taking the water from the area to the street. Once the area is dry a new sidewalk will be run from the church handicap ramp to the parish hall. We also have new landscaping plans. One feature of the landscaping will be a reflection and meditation part of the garden. This section will be near the education wing and will include a new dogwood tree, two benches and a statue of St. Francis. This will be a wonderful addition to our parish not just in how it looks but in the ease which those who need the handicap ramp will be able to access it. There are opportunities for you to help make this garden a reality. I want to thank Kay Addison and Carol Roosevelt for helping to put together a plan for giving to support our garden. Please also thank Henry Sullivan for his work in planning the design and implementation. I also want to thank Harry Sullivan and Howard Pierce for their hard work on the garden and continued support for All Saints’ and all we do. The All Saints’ Prayer Garden will provide a beautiful, welcoming, and peaceful place open for prayer, reflection, and comfort for our church family and community guests. Giving Levels Memorial and Honorarium Naming Opportunities St. Peter Prayer Benches (2) $1500.00 St. Francis Statue $1000.00 St. Paul Dogwood $1000.00 The above Naming Opportunities will be recognized on a small plaque near the donated items. St. Matthew $500+ St. Mark $250 - $499 St. Luke $100 - $249 St. John $50 - $99 Donations are welcome at any amount you wish to contribute. Donors of $50 and above will be recognized on a plaque hung in the garden. St. Peter was recognized as the leader of the twelve apostles. Jesus named him Cephus, which translates to “rock”. The stone prayer benches will provide a solid place of refuge for all who prayerfully seek God’s love in the garden. St. Francis is the patron saint of ecology and reminds us to care for all of God’s plants and animals. His presence in the garden gives comfort to all who share his love of nature. St. Paul, a leader and missionary of early Christianity, spread the gospel of Jesus Christ beyond the Holy Land into many countries on the Mediterranean Sea. The dogwood, like Paul, bears witness to Jesus Christ our Savior. The density of the wood testifies of its strength and reminds us to strengthen our relationship with Him. The red tips on the four white petals of each bloom remind us of the blood Jesus shed for our sins. The white of each petal reminds us of His purity and resurrection, which gives eternal life to all who accept His salvation. The dogwood will provide shade for reflection and prayer, as we strengthen our faith. St. Matthew, known as a “tax collector,” was called as an apostle of Jesus. His name means “Gift of YHVH” (a Hebrew name for God). Donors in this level will be making a significant contribution to the All Saints’ Prayer Garden and the beauty it will add to our church. St. Mark, the Evangelist, is honored as the founder of Christianity in Africa. St. Mark donors will provide an inviting space with flowers and greenery for church members and the community. St. Luke, a physician, was a disciple of Paul. St. Luke donors will provide greenery to encourage meditation and spiritual healing. St. John, the “Beloved Disciple” or “disciple whom Jesus loved” remained near Jesus at the cross and followed Jesus’ instruction to care for His mother, Mary. St. John donors are steadfast and loyal like John, contributing so that all may enjoy the beauty of a new “greenspace”. Carol Roosevelt and I were asked to be on a committee with Charles to formulate a plan for parishioners and friends of All Saints' to contribute to the new garden. Because of this and my position on the vestry i have already had the opportunity to consider how I wanted to participate. It brought me back to one of the saddest days I experienced after Tommy died. I was simply taking care of household business specifically removing Tommy's name from our bills. I sat on the sofa and cried while not realizing at first why this task was so emotional. It was as if I were personally taking an eraser and removing one more part of him. I must admit after feeling this way I have left his name on a few things. So, in reflecting on the garden, I see giving in memory of Tommy as a way I can add his name and presence to something beautiful and living. I ask you to consider how you can participate in a small or big way and truly receive a blessing from your gift. We all love our church and it warms my heart to know that Tommy's name can be forever a part of this special place. Kay Addison Copies of this letter along with pledge cards will be placed at the back of the church. Please take one of each to prayerfully consider a gift to the garden. A very special thank you to all who made the Blessing of the Animals such a success. Especially to Clark and Lila McKean who headed up the effort and Lisa Wicks for bringing animals from Laurens Co. Humane Society currently available for adoption to be blessed. Those who set up, cleaned up, brought animal people treats are also appreciated. We will NOT have our make up shag lesson this Thursday. Another round of lessons will be offered early next year. We also will NOT be having Episcopal Tailgating this Saturday as the game is away at Kennesaw St. The next date is Saturday, October 13th at noon. Finally, a big heartfelt thank you to those who offered and helped Alicia and I during our move. Dinner was provided (with many additional meals from that included!), extra furniture and help moving it was given as well. We are in our new home but not quite settled although there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel now. We look forward to hosting church events in the future. Our new address is: 600 Chestnut St. Clinton, SC 29325 C+ *Gus Latham, father of Linda Dolny, died late Saturday night. His service has been planned for Thursday, October 4th at 1:00 at Blyth Funeral Home in Greenwood. The address is 1425 Montague Ave., Greenwood, SC 29649 Upcoming Events: Tues., Oct. 2nd – Executive Committee Meeting 11:30 am Wed., Oct. 3rd – Choir practice 6:15 pm Oct. 7-14 – Charles’ vacation Sat., Oct. 13th - Episcopal Tailgating at PC 12:00 pm Wed., Oct. 17th – Vestry Meeting 7:00 pm October 7th, the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost Holy Eucharist, Rite 2: 10:30 am Proper 22 Genesis 2:18-24 Psalm 8 Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12 Mark 10:2-16 Sunday Ministries: Ushers: Lila & Clark McKean Acolyte: Howard Pierce Lector: Morris Galloway Intercessor: Kay Addison Eucharistic Minister: Howard Pierce Gospel Bearer: Catherine Perry Counter: Kay Addison Vestry Rep: Howard Pierce Coffee Host: Cindy Pierce Altar Guild: Jenks Howe Nursery: Sharon Sullivan Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God by Lila and Clark McKean in memory of John Sears and Charlie Sears. Birthdays & Anniversaries October 7 – Sherri Smith October 11 – Linda Dolny October 10 – Lisa Wicks & Freddy Center Parish Prayer List To add or remove names, contact one of the following: Harry Sullivan at (803) 276-0007 or [email protected] Neal Prater at 833-1545 or [email protected] Please pray for: Mikell & Hal Stribling; Charlotte & Dillard Hill; Terri & Kenny Murphy; Lori Wicks; Mary Barrus; Devon Stewart; Ron Elson; Harriet Monahan; Charles Lyman Bates; Barbara Anderson; Le Ann Watson; Esabelle Davies; Ted Watson; Edna Guthrie; Virginia Sides; Whitney McDuffy; Bo White; Ian Pearson; Nicole McAlister; Casey Sears; Pam Davis; Suni Friday, Leslie Anne Jackson; Walter Appleby; Charles Coker; Jessica Parris; Bill Barrus; Phillip Clark; Jean Hess; Lisa Wicks; Murray Handback; Marie Buffington and Ben Stewart. ALL SAINTS’ NEWS: *SERMONS are now available on the website. Each week they are uploaded along with a copy of the Newsbytes. You’ll find the tab for each at the top of the home page. *THE NURSERY is now available for those who wish to use it. We are assigning volunteers on a monthly rotation throughout the year. Please consider volunteering – safe church training is required. Information regarding training dates and sites can be found on the diocesan website – THE FIRST SUNDAY OUTREACH OFFERING is taken up at the close of the service on the first Sunday of each month. October’s offering is for United Ministries of Clinton. UNITED MINISTRIES FOOD BASKETS: Nonperishable food will be received at the church at any time. This food will be presented at the altar on the second Sunday of each month. Please remember to bring nonperishable foods to fill the baskets! SINGING ROOSTER FAIR-TRADE COFFEE FROM HAITI is available through the church as a way of supporting our diocesan mission in Cange. An order sheet is placed in the church and in the parish hall. Buy some for yourself—and some to give as gifts! All proceeds go to the farmers who grow the coffee in Haiti. GLUTEN-FREE COMMUNION WAFERS are always available upon request. Let the priest know before the service or at the communion rail. *New information Comments are closed.
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