Lay Ministries - get involved!The vestry welcomes and invites each of our members and friends to assist in various areas of Christian service. If you would like to participate in any of the following areas of ministry, please contact the church at [email protected].
For other ministries, see our Outreach page. |
All Saints' offers an adult choir from September through May. No auditions are necessary. If you enjoy singing, please meet with us on Wednesday evenings and sing with us at Sunday Holy Eucharist. Contact Cindy Perry, Organist and Choir Master at [email protected].
Lectors, Chalice Bearers, and Other Ministers
If you are interested in assisting our priest in leading the worship services, please contact the rector for instruction and practice in reading the scriptures, leading the prayers of the people, and administering the chalice at Holy Eucharist.
Acolyting is a ministry that helps in a very special way to lead the congregation in its worship of God. Acolytes lead in our processions and serve at our altar. If you are interested in acolyting, please contact the church office at 864.833.1388 or [email protected]
All Saints' Parish House in Winter Snow
Finance: John Bankhead, Chair
Archives: Sam Wilson, Chair
Building & Grounds: Howard Pierce, Chair
Music: Cindy Perry, Organist/Choir Director
Columbarium: Harry Sullivan
Formation: Sharon Sullivan, Dot Wilson
Worship: Sam Wilson, Neal Prater, Cindy Perry,
Jenks Howe (Altar Guild)
Missions/Outreach: Howard Pierce, Chair
Pastoral Care:
Communications: Cindy Perry
Finance: John Bankhead, Chair
Archives: Sam Wilson, Chair
Building & Grounds: Howard Pierce, Chair
Music: Cindy Perry, Organist/Choir Director
Columbarium: Harry Sullivan
Formation: Sharon Sullivan, Dot Wilson
Worship: Sam Wilson, Neal Prater, Cindy Perry,
Jenks Howe (Altar Guild)
Missions/Outreach: Howard Pierce, Chair
Pastoral Care:
Communications: Cindy Perry