All Saints’ Episcopal Church
We welcome, serve and love all unconditionally through Jesus Christ THIS WEEK AT ALL SAINTS: From the Rector: Wednesday, May 2nd we will celebrate and give thanks for the life of Harriet McKee. Our service will be at 10:30 followed by a reception in the Parish Hall. We have needs in our lay ministry areas on Sunday mornings. Please consider taking on a new ministry such as becoming an usher or acolyte, lay reader or Eucharistic minister. We are happy to provide all the training you need. Your ministry is important for our common life. I hope you will consider joining us and offering yourself to a new ministry. You can email me at [email protected] for more information. We are also looking for those with the ability to read another language. On the day of Pentecost, May 20th, the gospel will be read in many languages all at once. “All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.” Acts 2:4. If you are comfortable reading in any different language, please let me know. I will make sure you have the text before the practice on Sunday, May 13th. Please remember Sunday is the first Sunday of the month and we have our outreach offering going to Episcopal Relief and Development. Upcoming Events Choir Practice Wednesday, May 2nd, 6:15 pm PC Study Night Wednesday, May 2nd, 7:00 pm – 12:00 am May 6th – The Sixth Sunday of Easter Holy Eucharist, Rite 11: 10:30 am Lectionary Readings: Sunday Ministries: Ushers: Bailey Dixon/Howard Pierce Acolyte: Anna Shuford Lector: Oliver Roosevelt IV Intercessor: Oliver Roosevelt III Eucharistic Minister: Anna Shuford Gospel Bearer: Catherine Perry Counter: Kay Addison Vestry Rep: Howard Pierce Coffee Host: Julie Keadle Altar Guild: Sharon Sullivan Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God by Howard and Cindy Pierce in thanksgiving for Bess & Cody’s first wedding anniversary. Birthdays & Anniversaries May 6 – Leslie Anne Jackson May 11 – Sarah-Katherine Adams May 11 – Mikell Stribling May 12 – Samantha & Will Adair Parish Prayer List To add or remove names, contact one of the following: Harry Sullivan at (803) 276-0007 or [email protected] Neal Prater at 833-1545 or [email protected] Please pray for: Mikell & Hal Stribling; Charlotte & Dillard Hill; Terri & Kenny Murphy; Lisa & Lori Wicks; Mary Barrus; Devon Stewart; Gordon Locatis; Ron Elson; Harriet Monahan; Charles Lyman Bates; Barbara Anderson; LeAnn Watson; Esabelle Davies; Ted Watson; Danny Snow; Edna Guthrie; Art Alloy; Virginia Sides; Whitney McDuffy; Pete Hooper; Bo White; Algie Grubbs; Ian Pearson; Nicole McAlister; Casey Sears; Pam Davis; Suni Friday, Leslie Anne Jackson; Bryson Dowling; Walter Appleby Repose of the soul of Lois Williams; Harriet McKee ALL SAINTS’ NEWS: A CELEBRATION OF THE LIFE OF HARRIET MCKEE is Wednesday, May 2nd at 10:30 am. There will be a reception immediately following the service in the Parish Hall. PC STUDY NIGHT is Wednesday, May 2nd from 7:00 pm – midnight. All Saints’ will provide students a place to study for upcoming exams with plenty of drinks and snacks. THE NURSERY is now available for those who wish to use it. Please sign up in the back of the church if you are willing to volunteer to keep the nursery. THE FIRST SUNDAY OUTREACH OFFERING is taken up at the close of the service on the first Sunday of each month. The May offering will benefit the Episcopal Relief and Development Fund. UNITED MINISTRIES FOOD BASKETS: Nonperishable food will be received at the church at any time. This food will be presented at the altar on the second Sunday of each month. Please remember to bring nonperishable foods to fill the baskets! SINGING ROOSTER FAIR-TRADE COFFEE FROM HAITI is available through the church as a way of supporting our diocesan mission in Cange. An order sheet is placed in the church and in the parish hall. Buy some for yourself—and some to give as gifts! There are also a few ornaments and wall art still available. All proceeds go to the farmers who grow the coffee in Haiti. GLUTEN-FREE COMMUNION WAFERS are always available upon request. Let the priest know before the service or at the communion rail. Comments are closed.
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