From the Rector: This has been an exciting week in our common life. Our Annual Parish Meeting took place this past Sunday. Elected to the vestry are Jenks Howe, Dean Thompson and Sam Wilson. We also elected Dot Wilson, Oliver Roosevelt, III, Marlene Halbert, and Cindy Perry to represent us as delegates to this year’s Diocesan Convention. LeAnn Watson and Howard Pierce will be alternates. I want to thank our outgoing vestry representatives, Dot Wilson, Henry Sullivan and Morris Galloway for their faithful work over the past 3 years. I am also pleased to announce Howard Pierce as the new Senior Warden and Neal Prater as new Junior Warden. Along with your vestry, I am excited about the mission and ministry we are called to and our unique voice as we live into God’s call. Finally, I will be meeting with the vestry to plan for the coming years. We will begin to look at the committees of our parish and what we are called to do and be. I and the vestry cannot do this alone. We need your voice and we need you to bring your God given gifts to our common life and to God’s call in this place. Please let me know how I can help that to happen. C+ Wednesday, May 24 - Choir Practice @ 7:00 pm Thursday, May 25 – Task Force on Deacon training @ 10:00 am Sunday, May 21 – Holy Eucharist @10:30 May 28th – The Seventh Sunday of Easter Sunday Ministries (Just a Reminder): Ushers: B. Halbert & A. Alloy Acolyte: H. Pierce Lector: K. Addison Eucharistic Minister: H. Pierce Gospel Bearer: C. Perry Prayers: K. Addison Counter: H. Smith Vestry Rep: D. Wilson Coffee Host: K. Addison Altar Guild: Sharon Sullivan Holy Eucharist at 10:30 am Lectionary Readings:
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