All Saints’ Episcopal Church
We welcome, serve and love all unconditionally through Jesus Christ THIS WEEK AT ALL SAINTS From the Rector: Our first Film and Theology is scheduled this Thursday night the 28th. I invite you to join us at 7:00pm in Neville Hall auditorium on PC’s campus as we watch Cool Hand Luke and discuss theological themes. Episcopal Tailgating will resume October 14th. This Sunday, our formation program begins at 9:30 with Sam Wilson presenting his work “All Saints History and Archives”. I hope you will all take a look at our Hall of Saints and the amazing work that Sam is doing in caring for our legacy. One of the things that will be a highlight for the hall is the bell. Originally located in the church, Howard has designed and built a remarkable stand which will allow us not only to honor its place in our history but will allow us to move it and use it in our common life. Sunday, October 15th at 4:00 pm we will have a Blessing of the Animals in recognition of St. Francis. Please let your friends, family, neighbors and coworkers know about this as it is open to all. If you would like a poster/flyer to hand out, let me know. 10/15/207 10/15/17 The next Newsbytes will be delivered on Monday, October 9th. I will be away beginning this Friday, September 29th thru Sunday, October 8th. The Reverend Charles Davis (my dad) will celebrate and preach the next two Sundays. He also will be leading our Christian formation program on the 8th. I’ve just finished clergy conference and been reminded that all are welcome to join in our Diocesan Leadership Day, Friday, November 3rd at Episcopal Church of the Advent in Spartanburg. It will be a good day where leaders throughout the diocese gather to learn and work together. If you are interested in going with Alicia and me, please let me know so that our registrations will be complete. Finally, please check to see if you have any of the church’s tablecloths at home and return them so we can get a complete inventory of what we have. You will be in my thoughts and prayers while I’m away. Upcoming Events: Wednesday, September 27th – Choir Practice, 6:15 – 7:00 pm Wednesday, September 27th – Gathering at the Garden, Clinton Community Garden, 6:00 pm Thursday, September 28th – Film & Theology, Neville Hall auditorium, 7:00 pm October 1st – The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost Holy Eucharist at 10:30 am Lectionary Readings: Year A, Proper 21 Ezekiel 18:1-4,25-32 Psalm 25:1-8 Philippians 2:1-13 Matthew 21:23-32 Sunday Ministries (Just a Reminder): Ushers: F. Adair & B. Halbert Acolyte: A. Shuford Lector: C. McKean Intercessor: H. Pierce Eucharistic Minister: D. Thompson Gospel Bearer: C. Perry Counter: L. Presley Vestry Rep: S. Wilson Coffee Host: L. McKean Altar Guild: J. Howe Altar Flowers: Are given to the Glory of God by Chip and Jenks Howe in loving memory of Lucia and Jimmy McDonald. Birthdays and Anniversaries: September 24th – Harriet McKee September 25th – JoAnne Smith September 27th – Oliver Roosevelt IV Parish Prayer List To add or remove names, contact one of the following: Harry Sullivan at (803) 276-0007 or [email protected] Neal Prater at 833-1545 or [email protected] Please pray for: Mikell & Hal Stribling; Charlotte & Dillard Hill; Terri & Kenny Murphy; Marie & Al Reid; JoAnne & Dale Rains; Helen, Lisa & Lori Wicks; Mary Barrus; Devon Stewart; Gordon Locatis; Ron Elson; Harriet Monahan; Charles Lyman Bates; Barbara Anderson; LeAnn Watson; Esabelle Davies; Ted Watson; Carol Gurga; Danny Snow; Edna Guthrie; Art Alloy; Charles Krewson; Marquita Hamilton; Virginia Sides; Whitney McDuffy; Andy Andrusko; Pete Hooper; Steve Halbert; Susan Tribble NEWS AND COMING EVENTS: THE FIRST SUNDAY OUTREACH OFFERING is taken up at the close of the service on the first Sunday of each month. The October offering will benefit United Ministries of Clinton. UNITED MINISTRIES FOOD BASKETS: Nonperishable food will be received at the church at any time. This food will be presented at the altar on the second Sunday of each month. Please remember to bring nonperishable foods to fill the baskets! SINGING ROOSTER FAIR-TRADE COFFEE FROM HAITI is available through the church as a way of supporting our diocesan mission in Cange. An order sheet is placed in the church and in the parish hall. Buy some for yourself—and some to give as gifts! All proceeds go to the farmers who grow the coffee in Haiti. GLUTEN-FREE COMMUNION WAFERS are always available upon request. Let the priest know before the service or at the communion rail. Comments are closed.
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