All Saints’ Episcopal Church
We welcome, serve and love all unconditionally through Jesus Christ THIS WEEK AT ALL SAINTS: From the Rector: As we move along into the busy season on Fall, I want to highlight again all the activities and events occurring this month.
C+ Upcoming Events: Vestry meeting Wednesday, Sept. 12th, 7:00 pm Adult Formation classes begin Sunday, Sept. 16th, 9:30 am Film & Theology series Sunday, Sept. 16th, 5:00 pm Gathering at the Garden Wed, Sept. 19th, 6:00 pm (1119 S. Bell St.) September 16th , the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost Holy Eucharist, Rite 2: 10:30 am Proper 19 Isaiah 50:4-9a Psalm 116:1-8 James 3:1-12 Mark 8:27-38 Sunday Ministries: Ushers: Chip Howe/Harry Sullivan Acolyte: Oliver Roosevelt IV Lector: Clark McKean Intercessor: Morris Galloway Eucharistic Minister: Jenks Howe Gospel Bearer: Catherine Perry Counter: Kay Addison Vestry Rep: Kay Addison Coffee Host: Julie Keadle Altar Guild: Cindy Pierce Nursery: Alicia Davis Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God by Cindy Perry in honor of Catherine Perry. Birthdays & Anniversaries September 16 – Chip Howe September 19 – Julia Waters September 22 – Gail Dixon Parish Prayer List To add or remove names, contact one of the following: Harry Sullivan at (803) 276-0007 or [email protected] Neal Prater at 833-1545 or [email protected] Please pray for: Mikell & Hal Stribling; Charlotte & Dillard Hill; Terri & Kenny Murphy; Lori Wicks; Mary Barrus; Devon Stewart; Ron Elson; Harriet Monahan; Charles Lyman Bates; Barbara Anderson; Le Ann Watson; Esabelle Davies; Ted Watson; Edna Guthrie; Virginia Sides; Whitney McDuffy; Bo White; Ian Pearson; Nicole McAlister; Casey Sears; Pam Davis; Suni Friday, Leslie Anne Jackson; Bryson Dowling; Walter Appleby; Charles Coker; Jessica Parris; Bill Barrus; Phillip Clark; Jean Hess; Lisa Wicks; Murray Handback and Marie Buffington. ALL SAINTS’ NEWS: *SERMONS are now available on the website. Each week they are uploaded along with a copy of the Newsbytes. You’ll find the tab for each at the top of the home page. *THE NURSERY is now available for those who wish to use it. We are assigning volunteers on a monthly rotation throughout the year. Please consider volunteering – safe church training is required. Information regarding training dates and sites can be found on the diocesan website – THE FIRST SUNDAY OUTREACH OFFERING is taken up at the close of the service on the first Sunday of each month. October’s offering is for United Ministries of Clinton. UNITED MINISTRIES FOOD BASKETS: Nonperishable food will be received at the church at any time. This food will be presented at the altar on the second Sunday of each month. Please remember to bring nonperishable foods to fill the baskets! SINGING ROOSTER FAIR-TRADE COFFEE FROM HAITI is available through the church as a way of supporting our diocesan mission in Cange. An order sheet is placed in the church and in the parish hall. Buy some for yourself—and some to give as gifts! All proceeds go to the farmers who grow the coffee in Haiti. GLUTEN-FREE COMMUNION WAFERS are always available upon request. Let the priest know before the service or at the communion rail. *New information Comments are closed.
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