All Saints’ Episcopal Church
We welcome, serve and love all unconditionally through Jesus Christ THIS WEEK AT ALL SAINTS: From the Rector: Good Morning! I hope everyone had a safe and happy Independence Day. Our last Newsbytes edition was about three weeks ago. In it I indicated we are continuing to withhold in-person worship until at least July 31st. Until we see a significant decrease in COVID-19 cases, that date may be pushed out even farther. As of that day, SC had close to 19,000 cases. Now that number has more than doubled to almost 45,000 and almost 600 cases in Laurens County alone. I pray you are being safe; staying at home when you can, keeping away from large gatherings, washing your hands, and wearing a face covering whenever you are out. We want to be part of the solution stop the spread. I want to highlight a few pieces of information from the diocese. We're once again receiving reports about suspicious emails appearing to come from Bishop Waldo. These sometimes arrive as fraudulent emails or texts that ask for money, gift cards, or other favors posing as Bishop Waldo, or other clergy leaders. Please know that Bishop Waldo has not sent these messages. I have also received text messages from myself asking for the same favors. Please NEVER respond to any text or email from either me or Bishop Waldo or any other clergy member that seems suspicious. Also, we have recently added the ability to make online donations through our website. The donation platform is called and accepts credit and debit donations. It also allows you to set up deductions from your checking or savings account. There is now a button on the home page of the website called GIVE which will take you to the page to set up your choice of giving. Please consider this option if you would like. Lastly, two outreach opportunities are taking place this summer. The United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of The Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Through UTO, individuals are invited to embrace and deepen a personal daily spiritual discipline of gratitude. UTO encourages people to notice the good things that happen each day, give thanks to God for those blessings and make an offering for those blessings. UTO is entrusted to receive the offerings, and to distribute 100% of what is collected to support innovative mission and ministry throughout The Episcopal Church and Provinces of the Anglican Communion. This year all contributions are being collected by doing an episGOpal walk, run or ride. The funds will be given away to support Episcopal/Anglican ministries directly responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn. More information can be found at #episGOpalrace. When registering, join the team of Upper South Carolina using the password, EDUSC. All Saints’ plans to do a 14-mile bike ride on Sunday, July 26th beginning at 3:00 pm. We will limit the number to 10 to ride together, so please let me know if you’d like to participate. You are also welcome to do a walk, run or ride on your own. Secondly, the Flight of the Dove bicycle ride to raise money for Hospice of Laurens County will take place virtually August 1st – 8th. You sign up and complete the ride of your choice on your own during those 7 days. All Saints’ will have a small group to join in this ride as well. Finally, please keep our nation, our state and county in your prayers. Also keep All Saints’ in your prayers. I hope you will use the parish prayer list as a way to pray. Please call and take care of one another. C+ July 12th, the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost Proper 10 Isaiah 55:10-13 Psalm 65: (1-8), 9-14 Romans 8:1-11 Matthew 13:1-9,18-23 These links will provide you with the text for our online worship this Sunday by clicking on them directly. ALL SAINTS’ NEWS: The First Sunday Outreach Offering went to support the ministry of the Laurens County Memorial Home for July. August’s offering is to the Laurens County Humane Society. Birthdays and Anniversaries July 6 – Michael Beaty July 10 – Rita Stewart July 15 – Judi & Danny Bishop July 17 – Bo Baker July 17 – Oliver Roosevelt III July 17 – Jane Addison Morris July 18 – Greg Jackson The flowers on the altar are given to the Glory of God. Parish Prayer List To add or remove names, contact one of the following Neal Prater at 833-1545 or [email protected] Alicia Davis at 803-360-5247 or [email protected] Please pray for: +Mikell & Hal Stribling; Devon Stewart; +LeAnn Watson; Ted Watson; Virginia Sides; Whitney McDuffie; Bo White; Ian Pearson; Nicole McAlister; Pam Davis; +Leslie Anne Jackson; Walter Appleby; Bill Barrus; Phillip Clark; Jean Hess; Murray Handback; Pamela Waite; +Lois Wilson; Faye Bennett; +Mac Howe; Tom Gallagher; Haddon Norris; Toni Sharle Bates; Dana Harwell; Jimmy Sullivan; Linda Caplan; Donna Rinehart; Marcia Bronson; Beverly Keen; Diane Gouge; Andrew Pearson; +Jane Crawford; Billy Loflin; Hilda Goodman; Julie James; Norma Tucker; +Jessica Parris. All Saints’ Episcopal Church
We welcome, serve and love all unconditionally through Jesus Christ THIS WEEK AT ALL SAINTS: From the Rector: It has been a little more than a month since our last Newsbytes. I hope you all are well. In that time, many changes have occurred. COVID-19 infections are still on the rise, economic and social unrest continues to challenge us. We all want to convene again in person but until South Carolina sees a 14-day decrease, we will continue to stream online each Sunday morning at 10:30 am. As of today, SC has close to 19,000 cases with a 52% increase in Laurens County alone from last week. I hope we are all trying to be part of the solution to see a decrease. I pray you are being safe; staying at home when you can, keeping away from large gatherings, washing your hands, and wearing a face covering whenever you are out. You may feel you’re the only one wearing a mask in a store but wear it as a witness to others because you want to protect them. Our senior warden is working on a letter to send out reminding you of First Sunday offerings. Since we have not worshiped together, we have not been able to send funds to the groups we support each month. His letter will be a reminder to you with a way to continue to support our community and its ministries. I also remind you to keep your pledge up as you can. Our bills continue to have to be paid. But all is not doom and gloom! Two outreach opportunities are taking place this summer. The United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of The Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Through UTO, individuals are invited to embrace and deepen a personal daily spiritual discipline of gratitude. UTO encourages people to notice the good things that happen each day, give thanks to God for those blessings and make an offering for those blessings. UTO is entrusted to receive the offerings, and to distribute 100% of what is collected to support innovative mission and ministry throughout The Episcopal Church and Provinces of the Anglican Communion. This year all contributions are being collected by doing an episGOpal walk, run or ride. The funds will be given away to support Episcopal/Anglican ministries directly responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn. More information can be found at #episGOpalrace All Saints’ plans to do a bike ride of approximately 14 miles on July 25th or 26th. We will limit the number to 10 to ride together, so please let me know if you’d like to participate. You are also welcome to do a walk, run or ride on your own. Secondly, the Flight of the Dove bicycle ride to raise money for Hospice of Laurens County will take place virtually August 1st – 8th. You sign up and complete the ride of your choice on your own during those 7 days. All Saints’ will have a small group to join in this ride as well. Finally, please keep our nation, our state and county in your prayers. Also keep All Saints’ in your prayers. I hope you will use the parish prayer list as a way to pray. Please call and take care of one another. C+ June 21st, the Third Sunday after Pentecost (Father’s Day) Proper 7 Jeremiah 20:7-13 Psalm 69: 8-11, (12-17), 18-20 Romans 6:1b-11 Matthew 10:24-39 These links will provide you with the text for our online worship this Sunday by clicking on them directly. ALL SAINTS’ NEWS: The First Sunday Outreach Offering is going to support the ministry of the Laurens County Memorial Home for the month of July. Birthdays and Anniversaries June 16 – Anna Kiley June 17 – Cindy Perry June 21 – Judi Bishop June 24 – Forrest Adair June 25 – Lila McKean June 26 – Sam Wilson June 27 – Dot Wilson The flowers on the altar are given to the Glory of God in memory of Marion Prater. Parish Prayer List To add or remove names, contact one of the following Neal Prater at 833-1545 or [email protected] Alicia Davis at 803-360-5247 or [email protected] Please pray for: +Mikell & Hal Stribling; Devon Stewart; +LeAnn Watson; Ted Watson; Virginia Sides; Whitney McDuffie; Bo White; Ian Pearson; Nicole McAlister; Pam Davis; +Leslie Anne Jackson; Walter Appleby; +Jessica Parris; Bill Barrus; Phillip Clark; Jean Hess; Murray Handback; Pamela Waite; +Lois Wilson; Faye Bennett; +Mac Howe; Tom Gallagher; Haddon Norris; Toni Sharle Bates; Dana Harwell; Jimmy Sullivan; Linda Caplan; Donna Rinehart; Marcia Bronson; Beverly Keen; Diane Gouge; Sheila Sears; Andrew Pearson. All Saints’ Episcopal Church
We welcome, serve and love all unconditionally through Jesus Christ THIS WEEK AT ALL SAINTS: From the Rector: As we continue to worship online, please know I miss seeing you all. We continue to have many people watching, which is wonderful, but I miss seeing your faces. I also want to remind you to pray for our world, our nation, those who lead and especially those who have died and their family and friends. As I write this more than 50,000 people have died in the United States. The magnitude of that loss is unimaginable. The pictures below show some of the things we have continued to do here at All Saints’. The brass plaque for our Prayer Garden has been installed. Thank you, Harry Sullivan! We also continue to work on the “lift” near the steps on the side of the church. Harry and Howard continue to work hard to make All Saints’ a place where all are welcomed. Many thanks to them both. Again, the site to join the service each week is You do not have to sign on or sign up to join the service. I hope by now, all of you have managed to worship with us this way. It’s wonderful to see you greet one another as you begin the service. Please don’t hesitate to call me if you have any questions about how to connect. Continue to be safe and know, as we walk through this Easter season, the truth of God’s love for us as we share that truth with the world. C+ April Twenty-sixth, the Third Sunday of Easter ALL SAINTS’ NEWS: THE FIRST SUNDAY OUTREACH OFFERING is taken up at the close of the service on the first Sunday of each month. May’s offering is to Episcopal Relief and Development. UNITED MINISTRIES FOOD BANK is in dire need of our donations. Last week we sent out a letter from Howard Pierce stressing the urgency to continue to support the United Ministries Food Bank during this health crisis. Birthdays and Anniversaries April 25 – Marlene Halbert April 26 – Genevra Kelly April 30 – Jenks Howe May 1 – Marcia Beaty Parish Prayer List To add or remove names, contact one of the following Neal Prater at 833-1545 or [email protected] Alicia Davis at 803-360-5247 or [email protected] Please pray for: +Mikell & Hal Stribling; Devon Stewart; +LeAnn Watson; Ted Watson; +Edna Guthrie; Virginia Sides; Whitney McDuffie; Bo White; Ian Pearson; Nicole McAlister; Pam Davis; +Leslie Anne Jackson; Walter Appleby; +Jessica Parris; Bill Barrus; Phillip Clark; Jean Hess; Murray Handback; Pamela Waite; +Lois Wilson; Faye Bennett; +Mac Howe; Charles Bates; Tom Gallagher; Dustin Richie; Haddon Norris; +Amy Monahan; Toni Sharle Bates; Dana Harwell; Sonnie Holliday; Jimmy Sullivan; Linda Caplan; Donna Rinehart; Marcia Bronson; +Susan Galloway; Roy Portwood; Rob Hess; Beverly Keen; Sheila Sears; Andrew Pearson; Bob Butler. + indicates All Saints’ members All Saints’ Episcopal Church
We welcome, serve and love all unconditionally through Jesus Christ THIS WEEK AT ALL SAINTS: From the Rector: You are all in my prayers and I miss you. As we share in Holy Week, please keep each other in your prayers. This week we walk with Jesus as he shares the seder meal with his disciples and as he is crucified and dies. The services of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday will be at 6:00 pm and will be streamed. We have ironed out some of the wrinkles of the first week and I think it is going well. I hope it can be a time when we will be together though physically separated. Make this time an important time in our common life. The site to join the service is You do not have to sign on or sign up to join the service. If you have any questions about how to connect please let me know. Continue to be safe and know, as we come to Easter, the truth of God’s love for us as we share that truth with the world. Lastly, Jan Melara has graciously offered to make masks for members of our congregation. She has supplies but could use additional filter material for the inside of the masks. Blue disposable shop towels work well for this and if anyone has any to donate, please let Jan know. You can call or text her at 864-684-4930 with material donations or to request a mask. C+ Upcoming Events: April 9 - Maundy Thursday Service – 6pm, livestreamed on April 10 – Good Friday Service – 6pm, livestreamed on April 12 – Easter Sunday Service – 10:30 am, livestreamed on *Please remember to bring nonperishable food anytime to fill the baskets for United Ministries! Our donations have decreased somewhat so a gentle reminder to all. The baskets are blessed at the altar on the second Sunday of the month and then delivered. April Twelfth, Easter Sunday
ALL SAINTS’ NEWS: THE CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY, LAURENS participates with three other small churches each week in a Backpack Ministry benefiting approximately 50 children at Ford Elementary in Laurens. They are having difficulty locating the food items during this time of scarcity in grocery stores. If you are willing to help donate items, please bring them by the church or call or text Alicia Davis at 803-360-5247. She will be glad to pick them up! Specific items needed are:
THE FIRST SUNDAY OUTREACH OFFERING is taken up at the close of the service on the first Sunday of each month. May’s offering is to Episcopal Relief and Development. UNITED MINISTRIES FOOD BASKETS: Nonperishable food will be received at the church at any time. This food will be presented at the altar on the second Sunday of each month. Please remember to bring nonperishable foods to fill the baskets! SINGING ROOSTER FAIR-TRADE COFFEE FROM HAITI is available through the church as a way of supporting our diocesan mission in Cange. Bags of coffee are available for purchase in the parish hall as well as beautiful ornaments and home décor. Buy some for yourself—and some to give as gifts! All proceeds go to the farmers who grow the coffee in Haiti. GLUTEN-FREE COMMUNION WAFERS are always available upon request. Let the priest know before the service or at the communion rail. Birthdays and Anniversaries April 6 – Hamilton Howe April 7 – Jim Roberts April 8 – Clare Lee April 22 – Dawson Wyman April 22 – Jacob Parsons-Wells April 23 – Maryanne Laske April 25 – Marlene Halbert Parish Prayer List To add or remove names, contact one of the following Neal Prater at 833-1545 or [email protected] Alicia Davis at 803-360-5247 or [email protected] Please pray for: +Mikell & Hal Stribling; Devon Stewart; +LeAnn Watson; Ted Watson; +Edna Guthrie; Virginia Sides; Whitney McDuffie; Bo White; Ian Pearson; Nicole McAlister; Pam Davis; +Leslie Anne Jackson; Walter Appleby; +Jessica Parris; Bill Barrus; Phillip Clark; Jean Hess; Murray Handback; Pamela Waite; +Lois Wilson; Faye Bennett; +Mac Howe; Charles Bates; Tom Gallagher; Dustin Richie; Haddon Norris; +Amy Monahan; Toni Sharle Bates; Dana Harwell; Sonnie Holliday; Jimmy Sullivan; Linda Caplan; Donna Rinehart; Marcia Bronson; +Susan Galloway; Roy Portwood; Rob Hess; Beverly Keen; Sheila Sears; Andrew Pearson; + indicates All Saints’ members All Saints’ Episcopal Church We welcome, serve and love all unconditionally through Jesus Christ THIS WEEK AT ALL SAINTS: From the Rector: You are all in my prayers and I miss you. This week we will begin online services. Our first service of Morning Prayer will be Sunday, March 29th to begin at 10:30. The site to join the service is You do not have to sign on or sign up to join the service. This is a new experience for All Saints’. If you have any questions about how to connect please let me know. I hope you will set the time aside so we can be still be connected while physically separated. Please stay in contact with each other. If you worry about someone, call and check on them. The vestry will continue to reach out to all of you as well. If there is a concern or someone you know who needs something, please let me know. On a different subject, we hope to begin work soon on capital improvements. The first project will be a much-needed lift beside the steps going into the church. You should see work on this project beginning soon. A letter will be sent out soon letting you know all that is planned and all that we hope to do to continue to make welcoming at All Saints’ a priority. C+ *Please remember to bring nonperishable food anytime to fill the baskets for United Ministries! Our donations have decreased somewhat so a gentle reminder to all. The baskets are blessed at the altar on the second Sunday of the month and then delivered. March Twenty-ninth, the Fifth Sunday in Lent ALL SAINTS’ NEWS: THE CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY, LAURENS participates with three other small churches each week in a Backpack Ministry benefiting approximately 50 children at Ford Elementary in Laurens. They are having difficulty locating the food items during this time of scarcity in grocery stores. If you are willing to help donate items, please bring them by the church or call or text Alicia Davis at 803-360-5247. She will be glad to pick them up! Specific items needed are:
THE FIRST SUNDAY OUTREACH OFFERING is taken up at the close of the service on the first Sunday of each month. April’s offering is to the Open Door Ministries of Clinton. UNITED MINISTRIES FOOD BASKETS: Nonperishable food will be received at the church at any time. This food will be presented at the altar on the second Sunday of each month. Please remember to bring nonperishable foods to fill the baskets! SINGING ROOSTER FAIR-TRADE COFFEE FROM HAITI is available through the church as a way of supporting our diocesan mission in Cange. Bags of coffee are available for purchase in the parish hall as well as beautiful ornaments and home décor. Buy some for yourself—and some to give as gifts! All proceeds go to the farmers who grow the coffee in Haiti. GLUTEN-FREE COMMUNION WAFERS are always available upon request. Let the priest know before the service or at the communion rail. Birthdays and Anniversaries March 30 – Hal & Mikell Stribling March 31 – Mac Howe Parish Prayer List To add or remove names, contact one of the following Neal Prater at 833-1545 or [email protected] Alicia Davis at 803-360-5247 or [email protected] Please pray for: +Mikell & Hal Stribling; Devon Stewart; +LeAnn Watson; Ted Watson; +Edna Guthrie; Virginia Sides; Whitney McDuffie; Bo White; Ian Pearson; Nicole McAlister; Pam Davis; +Leslie Anne Jackson; Walter Appleby; +Jessica Parris; Bill Barrus; Phillip Clark; Jean Hess; Murray Handback; Pamela Waite; +Lois Wilson; Faye Bennett; +Mac Howe; Charles Bates; Tom Gallagher; Dustin Richie; Haddon Norris; +Amy Monahan; Toni Sharle Bates; Dana Harwell; Sonnie Holliday; Jimmy Sullivan; Linda Caplan; Donna Rinehart; Marcia Bronson; +Susan Galloway; Roy Portwood; Rob Hess; Beverly Keen; Sheila Sears. + indicates All Saints’ members All Saints’ Episcopal Church
We welcome, serve and love all unconditionally through Jesus Christ THIS WEEK AT ALL SAINTS: From the Rector: We have had a busy few weeks as we’ve prepared to ready for the season of Lent. We are now in full swing with our Wednesday Lenten Evening Prayer and Supper beginning on March 4th. We will have Evening Prayer followed by a soup supper each Wednesday in Lent ending on April 1st. Listed below are those who have signed up to bring soup, bread and tea this week. Soup – Alicia Davis, Howard Pierce, Dot Wilson Bread – Alicia Davis, Dot Wilson Tea & Ice – Harry Sullivan A Film & Theology Event is scheduled for Sunday, March 15th at 5:00 pm. Bring a dish to share for conversation after watching “A Way Way Back”. Popcorn and drinks provided. The Bishop’s visit is Sunday, March 22nd when he will be here to confirm, receive and reaffirm 12 congregants who attend All Saints’ regularly. This is sure to be a wonderful testament to the life and vibrancy that is All Saints’. I also encourage you to arrive early and attend the Bishop’s forum at 9:30 am. This is an opportunity to hear about the life of the diocese and to ask questions in an open dialogue with him. Finally, don’t forget – DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME begins this Sunday! Turn your clocks ahead 1 hour on Saturday night. See you Sunday. C+ Upcoming Events: Wed., Mar. 4, 11, 18, 25 & Wednesdays in Lent, Evening Prayer and supper, 6:00 pm Apr. 1 Sat., Mar. 7th Daylight Savings Time begins – Turn clocks ahead 1 hour Sun., Mar. 8th Christian Formation, 9:30 am Sun., Mar. 15th Film & Theology Event, “A Way Way Back”, 5:00 pm Sun., Mar. 22nd Bishop Waldo’s visit including Bishop’s Forum at 9:30 am, Holy Eucharist with Confirmation, Reception and Reaffirmation, 10:30 am, Reception following in the Parish Hall. *Please remember to bring nonperishable food anytime to fill the baskets for United Ministries! Our donations have decreased somewhat so a gentle reminder to all. The baskets are blessed at the altar on the second Sunday of the month and then delivered. March Eighth, the Second Sunday in Lent Holy Eucharist – Rite 2: 10:30 am Sunday Ministries: Ushers: Forrest Adair/Harry Sullivan Acolyte: Howard Pierce Lector: Jane Crawford Gospel Bearer: Catherine Perry Intercessor: Sam Wilson Eucharistic Ministers: Lila McKean/Jan Melara Counter: Dot Wilson Vestry Rep: Jane Parris Coffee Host: Lila McKean Altar Guild: Jan Melara Birthdays and Anniversaries March 4 – Neal Prater March 5 – Lori Wicks March 9 – Carol Pearson March 11 – Cameron Blackwell March 14 – Brandon Parsons-Wells Parish Prayer List To add or remove names, contact one of the following Neal Prater at 833-1545 or [email protected] Alicia Davis at 803-360-5247 or [email protected] Please pray for: +Mikell & Hal Stribling; Devon Stewart; +LeAnn Watson; Ted Watson; +Edna Guthrie; Virginia Sides; Whitney McDuffie; Bo White; Ian Pearson; Nicole McAlister; Pam Davis; +Leslie Anne Jackson; Walter Appleby; +Jessica Parris; Bill Barrus; Phillip Clark; Jean Hess; Murray Handback; Pamela Waite; +Lois Wilson; Faye Bennett; +Mac Howe; Charles Bates; Tom Gallagher; Dustin Richie; Haddon Norris; +Amy Monahan; Toni Sharle Bates; Dana Harwell; Sonnie Holliday; Jimmy Sullivan; Linda Caplan; Donna Rinehart; Marcia Bronson; +Susan Galloway; Roy Portwood; Rob Hess; Beverly Keen; Michele Freeman; Sheila Sears. Repose of the soul of: Jeff Howe, brother of +Chip Howe. + indicates All Saints’ members ALL SAINTS’ NEWS: THE FIRST SUNDAY OUTREACH OFFERING is taken up at the close of the service on the first Sunday of each month. April’s offering is to the Open Door Ministries of Clinton. UNITED MINISTRIES FOOD BASKETS: Nonperishable food will be received at the church at any time. This food will be presented at the altar on the second Sunday of each month. Please remember to bring nonperishable foods to fill the baskets! SINGING ROOSTER FAIR-TRADE COFFEE FROM HAITI is available through the church as a way of supporting our diocesan mission in Cange. Bags of coffee are available for purchase in the parish hall as well as beautiful ornaments and home décor. Buy some for yourself—and some to give as gifts! All proceeds go to the farmers who grow the coffee in Haiti. GLUTEN-FREE COMMUNION WAFERS are always available upon request. Let the priest know before the service or at the communion rail. ![]() All Saints’ Episcopal Church We welcome, serve and love all unconditionally through Jesus Christ THIS WEEK AT ALL SAINTS: From the Rector: Oyster Roast this Friday – Continue to invite friends and neighbors to share in this evening of fun and fellowship. Upcoming Events: Wed., Feb. 5th Choir Practice, 6:15 pm Fri., Feb. 7th Annual Oyster Roast, 6 – 8 pm Tues., Feb. 25th Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, time TBD *Please remember to bring nonperishable food anytime to fill the baskets for United Ministries! Our donations have decreased somewhat so a gentle reminder to all. The baskets are blessed at the altar on the second Sunday of the month and then delivered. February 9th, the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany Holy Eucharist – Rite 2: 10:30 am Sunday Ministries: Ushers: Forrest Adair/Chip Howe Acolyte: Sophia Sullivan Lector: Laura Crary Gospel Bearer: Catherine Perry Intercessor: Cindy Perry Eucharistic Ministers: Jenks Howe/Linda Dolny Counter: Oliver Roosevelt III Vestry Rep: Sam Wilson Coffee Host: Alicia Davis Altar Guild: Dot Wilson Birthdays and Anniversaries Feb. 4 – Bill Halbert Feb. 9 – Randy Mosteller Feb. 9 – Dylan Parsons-Wells Feb. 10 – Liza Sullivan Baker Feb. 14 – Susan Galloway Altar Flowers this Sunday are given to the glory of God by Dot & Sam Wilson in memory of Mary Barrus. Parish Prayer List To add or remove names, contact one of the following Neal Prater at 833-1545 or [email protected] Alicia Davis at 803-360-5247 or [email protected] Please pray for: +Mikell & Hal Stribling; Devon Stewart; +LeAnn Watson; Ted Watson; +Edna Guthrie; Virginia Sides; Whitney McDuffie; Bo White; Ian Pearson; Nicole McAlister; Pam Davis; +Leslie Anne Jackson; Walter Appleby; +Jessica Parris; Bill Barrus; Phillip Clark; Jean Hess; Murray Handback; Pamela Waite; +Lois Wilson; Faye Bennett; +Mac Howe; Charles Bates; Tom Gallagher; Dustin Richie; Haddon Norris; +Amy Monahan; Toni Sharle Bates; Dana Harwell; Sonnie Holliday; Stephanie Vargo; Jimmy Sullivan; Linda Caplan; Donna Rinehart; Marcia Bronson; +Susan Galloway; Roy Portwood; +Copie Dick; Rob Hess; Beverly Keen. + indicates All Saints’ members ALL SAINTS’ NEWS: LAURENS COUNTY MEMORIAL HOME needs items for their elderly residents. Please consider donations of small deodorants and body sprays and individually wrapped snacks. There is a donation box in the Parish Hall. THE FIRST SUNDAY OUTREACH OFFERING is taken up at the close of the service on the first Sunday of each month. March offering is to the Clinton Community Garden Project. UNITED MINISTRIES FOOD BASKETS: Nonperishable food will be received at the church at any time. This food will be presented at the altar on the second Sunday of each month. Please remember to bring nonperishable foods to fill the baskets! SINGING ROOSTER FAIR-TRADE COFFEE FROM HAITI is available through the church as a way of supporting our diocesan mission in Cange. Bags of coffee are available for purchase in the parish hall as well as beautiful ornaments and home décor. Buy some for yourself—and some to give as gifts! All proceeds go to the farmers who grow the coffee in Haiti. GLUTEN-FREE COMMUNION WAFERS are always available upon request. Let the priest know before the service or at the communion rail. |
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